2018 ARRL January VHF Contest
32 Logs Received
Revised 2018-10-01
Click on a heading to sort
Callsign | Score | ARRL Section |
Category | Bands | QSOs | Points | Grids | Rover Grids Activated |
Grids Activated |
PNW Grids Worked |
K5QE* | 83600 | STX | Limited Multi-Op | ABCD | 333 | 380 | 220 | EM31 | 3 | |
K7ATN/R | 40584 | OR | Unlimited Rover | ABCDEFG | 351 | 712 | 57 | 9 | see below | 9 |
WW7D/R | 39264 | WWA | Limited Rover | ABCD | 588 | 818 | 48 | 10 | see below | 12 |
KE7MSU/R | 15855 | OR | Rover | ABCDEFG | 172 | 453 | 35 | 5 | see below | 6 |
N0LL* | 14322 | KS | SOLP | ABCD | 125 | 154 | 93 | EM09 | 3 | |
KE7SW | 11825 | WWA | SOHP | ABCDEF | 177 | 275 | 43 | CN87 | 11 | |
N7EPD | 11634 | WWA | SOHP | ABCDF | 194 | 277 | 42 | CN87 | 12 | |
W7QQ* | 8190 | NM | Unlimited Multi-Op | ABCDEF | 93 | 117 | 70 | DM75 | 4 | |
K7BDB/R | 5808 | OR | Limited Rover | ABD | 191 | 242 | 24 | 5 | see below | 9 |
W4DVE | 5500 | WWA | SOP | ABCDEF | 191 | 275 | 20 | CN85 | 7 | |
N7QOZ | 4872 | WWA | SOLP | ABCD | 133 | 168 | 29 | CN87 | 10 | |
KE0CO | 4023 | WWA | SOLP | ABCDEF | 82 | 149 | 27 | CN87 | 6 | |
KG7P | 3948 | WWA | SOHP | ABCDEF | 91 | 141 | 28 | CN87 | 9 | |
AC7MD | 3915 | WWA | SOLP | ABCDEF | 92 | 135 | 29 | CN87 | 9 | |
K7ND | 3052 | WWA | SOHP | ABCDEFG | 56 | 109 | 28 | CN87 | 9 | |
W7KKE | 2392 | OR | SOLP | ABCDEF | 48 | 104 | 23 | CN75 | 4 | |
N6ZE/R* | 2350 | SB | Limited Rover | ABCD | 72 | 94 | 25 | 7 | see below | |
N7KSI | 2208 | WWA | SO3B | ABD | 76 | 92 | 24 | CN86 | 11 | |
KD7TS | 2032 | WWA | SOLP | ABCDEFG | 68 | 127 | 16 | CN87 | 6 | |
K7YO | 1408 | OR | SOLP | ABCDF | 70 | 88 | 16 | CN86 | 6 | |
WA9ONY | 1131 | WWA | SOLP | ABCD | 67 | 87 | 13 | CN85 | 7 | |
K0JJ | 700 | OR | SOHP | ABC | 48 | 52 | 15 | CN85 | 8 | |
AF7MD | 657 | OR | SOLP | ABCD | 54 | 76 | 9 | CN85 | 5 | |
K7BWH | 588 | WWA | SO3B | ABD | 46 | 49 | 12 | CN87 | 5 | |
KX7L | 470 | WWA | SO3B | ABD | 46 | 47 | 10 | CN87 | 6 | |
VE7AFZ | 396 | BC | Limited Multi-Op | ABD | 33 | 36 | 11 | CN89 | 6 | |
AI9Q | 306 | WWA | SOLP | ABCD | 36 | 51 | 6 | CN85 | 3 | |
VE7DAY | 280 | BC | SO3B | ABD | 24 | 28 | 10 | CO70 | 5 | |
KD7PY | 216 | WWA | SOHP 50 | A | 27 | 27 | 8 | CN87 | 8 | |
KA7HBB | 138 | OR | SO3B | ABD | 20 | 23 | 6 | CN84 | 3 | |
KI7NQN | 104 | OR | SOFM | ABCD | 17 | 26 | 4 | CN85 | 1 | |
VE7HR | 24 | BC | SOLP | ABD | 5 | 6 | 4 | CN89 | 2 |
* = PNWVHFS Member operating outside the Society
region. Not eligible for PNWVHFS Awards.
** = Log received late, not eligible for PNWVHFS Awards.
Band Codes: A - 50 MHz, B - 144 MHz, C - 222 MHz, D - 432 MHz, E - 902 MHz, F - 1.2 GHz, G - 2.3 GHz, H - 3.4 GHz, I - 5.7 GHz
PNWVHFS Award Winners
Certificates at the PNWVHFS Conference in October 2019
Limited Multi-Op: VE7AFZ-BC
Rover: KE7MSU/R - OR
Limited Rover: WW7D/R-WWA
Unlimited Rover: K7ATN/R-WWA
Single-Op High Power: K0JJ-OR, KE7SW-WWA
Single-Op High Power 50 MHz: KD7PY-WWA
Single-Op Low Power: VE7HR-BC, W7KKE-OR, N7QOZ-WWA
Single-Op 3-Band: VE7DAY-BC, KA7HBB-OR, N7KSI-WWA
Single-Op Portable: W4DVE - WWA
Additional Information
K5QE Limited Multi-Operator STX EM31: Operators K5QE, N5YA, K5MQ, AF8Z, W7XU, N0QJM, VE3WY, K2EZ, N1XS
K7ATN/R Unlimited Rover OR: 9 ROVER GRIDS ACTIVATED: CN74 CN75 CN76 CN77 CN84 CN85 CN86 CN87 CN95
K7BWH SO3B WWA CN87: It was fun to figure out and make FT8 contacts which added 13 Qs. I ran a portable station in my uphill neighbor's driveway in an attempt to gain a little altitude. Didn't work - still blocked by hills.
KX7L SO3B WWA CN87: No spectacular openings, and I did have other obligations on Sunday, which limited my time, but I still came close to last years score. High point was Saturday night, CQing with FT8 on 6m, and hearing a weak signal come back, but no copy. Later Isaw via PSKReporter that KA6BIM in CN73 had heard me!
Limited Rover SB: 7 ROVER GRIDS ACTIVATED: CM88 CM89 CM96 CM97
CM98 DM04 DM05
The January 2018 ARRL VHF Contest
presented me with some unusual challenges due to a variety of changes
to scheduling plans! Originally, I planned to operate from
DM04, DM03, DM13, & possibly DM14.
(CM94, a nearby grid I frequently utilize was unavailable
due to the highway US-101 closure caused by mud slides.) My QTH in Thousand
Oaks, CA, is located in the Conejo Valley, a valley area surrounded in all
directions by substantially higher ridges & mountains. By operating as a
rover during VHF contests, I travel to unobstructed hilltops to be able to make
QSOs without nearby mountain ridges to interfere with my VHF/UHF signals. I
frequently operate from various locations about 2500 ft above sea level in the
Santa Monica mts. And typically can work out as far north as Sacramento, CA.
During a 3.5 hour period on Saturday, I made 42 QSOs, mostly from the top of a
small hill located within the city limits of Thousand Oaks, CA and a few QSOs
were made while driving. Two round trips to the hill involved about 4 miles
of travel. I made QSOs on both 6 & 2 meters with stations in both DM03
& DM04. 135 cm (223.5 MHz) & 70 cm provided QSOs with others in DM04
only. With a Yaesu FT857 and a Kenwood TM-231a, and 1/4 wave whip antennas, I
made 11 QSOs on 6 meters, 13 QSOs on 2 meters, 9 QSOs on 223.5 MHz FM, & 9
QSOs on 70 cm. On Saturday night, I went to bed with the assumption that I'd
probably operate for a bit on Sunday from DM04 in the Santa Monica mts, with a
bit of a drive to the south to make some QSOs from DM03 so that I could truly
qualify as a rover. Wrong! Early on Sunday morning with a pretty decent weather
forecast to northern California & Oregon, my Robin (W7PBJ), my XYL, & I
made the decision to drive up to Seattle, WA, to transport some household
furnishings not suitable to transport by air. So: we decided to drive Interstate
Highway I-5 north to Seattle. On Sunday afternoon, Robin drove, so I was able
to make 31 QSOs on 3 bands with the FT857 and 1/4 wave whip antennas; N6ZE/R
successfully activated grids DM05, CM96, CM97, CM98, CM88, & CM89
and we traveled 450 miles. During the Sunday rove, I completed 9 QSOs from
CM96, 6 QSOs from CM97 & CM98, and 2 QSOs from CM88 & CM89. Thanks to
WA6IKE, I was able to make contacts with him (CM98) & KJ6KO (CM98) during my 12
minutes in CM88 and 9 minutes in CM89! For safety reasons, I terminated my rove
at sundown at Arbuckle, CA. And assumed the driving duties to our Redding,
CA hotel.
Limited Multi-Op BC CN89:
Entered as a limited multi
operator as I ran digi modes on one band while working SSB / CW on
another. It was an interesting experience running from my
home station vs roving during this contest.
WW7D/R Limited Rover WWA: 10 Rover Grids activated: CN76 CN77 CN85 CN86 CN87 CN88 CN95 CN96 CN97 CN98