
2018 ARRL June VHF QSO Party

40 Logs Received

Revised 2018-07-20
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Callsign Score ARRL
Category Bands QSOs Points Grids Rover
K5QE* 417725 STX Limited Multi-Op ABCD 1166 1225 341 EM31 1
N0LL* 59566 KS SOLP ABCD 359 377 158 EM09 2
WW7D/R 33648 WWA Limited Rover ABCD 512 701 78 10 see below 12
KE7SW 19565 WWA SOHP ABCDEFGH 216 301 65 CN87 21
K7CW 15572 WWA SOHP 50 A 229 229 68 CN87 30
N7EPD 15345 WWA SOHP ABCD 215 279 55 CN87 22
K7YDL 11900 OR SOHP ABCDEF 247 350 34 CN85 9
AC7MD 11836 WWA SOLP ABCDEF 189 269 44 CN87 16
W7FI 11682 WWA SOHP ABCD 170 198 59 CN87 24
K7ND 10192 WWA SOHP ABCDEFGH 118 182 56 CN87 21
W4DVE 9078 OR SOP ABCDEF 194 267 34 CN85 11
W7GLF 7059 WWA SOHP ABCDEF 137 181 39 CN87 15
KE7MSU/R 6630 OR Rover ABCDEF 157 195 34 3 see below 13
K7ALO 5280 OR SOP ABCDF 130 176 30 CN85 10
K7ATN 4180 OR SOP ABCDEF 132 209 20 CN85 4
KB7ME 3751 WWA SOLP ABCD 100 121 31 CN85 11
WA9ONY 3720 WWA SOLP ABCDF 138 186 20 CN85 7
VE7DAY 3510 BC SOHP ABD 77 78 45 CO70 17
W7BA 3011 WWA SOHP ABCD 86 106 30 CN87 16
N7QOZ 2794 WWA SO3B ABD 113 127 22 CN87 12
N7NW 2730 WWA SOHP ABCD 73 78 35 CN87 17
N7KSI 2400 WWA SOLP ABDF 60 80 30 CN86 11
K7BWH 2340 EWA SOHP ABD 59 60 39 DN08 20
KX7L 2160 WWA SO3B ABD 89 90 24 CN87 15
N7DB 1677 OR SOLP ABCD 102 129 13 CN85 6
AF7MD 1344 OR SOLP ABCDEF 80 112 12 CN85 5
KF5UYB* 1209 NTX SOLP 50 A 39 39 31 EM01
N6ZE* 1080 SB SOLP 50 A 54 54 20 DM04
VE7AFZ/R 850 BC Unlimited Rover ABD 49 50 17 3 see below 7
WE7X 684 EWA SOLP ABCD 31 36 19 DN08 7
KD7PY 648 WWA SOHP 50 A 36 36 18 CN87 11
N7MWV 588 WWA SO3B ABD 40 42 14 CN86 5
VE7HR 468 BC SOLP ABCDF 31 39 12 CN89 6
N7JPF 368 OR SO3B AB 23 23 16 CN95 8
K7IMA 252 OR SOFM ABCD 46 63 4 CN85 1
K0VIZ 196 OR SO3B BD 24 28 7 CN85 4
W6LLP 112 EWA SOLP ABCD 10 14 8 DN17 2
AI9Q 44 WWA SOLP CD 11 22 2 CN85 1
K7HSJ 32 OR SOLP BCDF 4 8 4 CN94 1
KD7QJL 6 OR SOLP AB 3 3 2 CN85 1

* = PNWVHFS Member operating outside the Society region. Not eligible for PNWVHFS Awards.
** = Log received late, not eligible for PNWVHFS Awards.

Band Codes: A - 50 MHz, B - 144 MHz, C - 222 MHz, D - 432 MHz, E - 902 MHz, F - 1.2 GHz, G - 2.3 GHz, H - 3.4 GHz, I - 5.7 GHz, J - 10 GHz, K - 24 GHz, L - 300+ GHz

PNWVHFS Award Winners

Certificates at the PNWVHFS Conference in October 2018
Single-Op High Power: VE7DAY-BC,K7YDL-OR, KE7SW-WWA
Single-Op High Power 50 MHz: K7CW-WWA
Single-Op Low Power: VE7HR-BC, WE7X-EWA, N7DB-OR, KB7ME-WWA
Single-Op 3-Band: N7JPF-OR, N7QOZ-WWA
Single-Op Portable: W4DVE-OR
Single-Op FM Only: K7IMA-OR
Limited Rover: WW7D/R-WWA
Unlimited Rover: VE7AFZ/R-BC

Additional Information

K5QE Limited Multi-Op Operators:  K5QE, N5YA, K5MQ, N1XS, KN5O, AE5VB, N5KDA, W5KDA, KU5B, WA5CAM Worked 1 PNW grid: CN87

K7BWH Single-Op High Power DN08:  This was an expedition to activate rare grid square DN08 on 6m. Rod WE7X and I set up stations at Gold Mtn Lookout, 4650' ASL, within the Colville Indian Reservation in the NE corner of Washington State at DN08se33. I operated FT8-only which helped the two of us share the tiny mountaintop although significant interference remained between us. The band was dead on Saturday so I worked all the FT8 ops within a few grid squares of us.Sunday offered rapidly fluctuating 6m openings.In spite of poor conditions I was pleased to work several hams who'd contacted me in advance, most notably Joe W0FY for whom I provided one of his final two grids for his insanely difficult FFMA award pursuit.

KX7L Single-Op Low Power CN87:  Came down with a cold a few days before the contest, so was not in prime shape, (especially my voice).  Then the mike started acting flakey, then died completely in the last couple hours. And I found out the 432 antenna was kaput, so only one QSO on that band. After a week of Es almost every day, not much up here during the contest - that lasted more than a couple minutes anyway. Lots of very strange little openings - 10-15 secs, long enough for one FT8 decode, and that's all. They seemed a bit long and too frequent for MS burns (and most of the stations heard were a little too far away). But am I complaining? Of course not! Probably worked the most number of "local" grids ever, thanks mostly to FT8, including two new ones: DO00 and DN06. (thanks VE7SCC and KD1RX, respectively!)

K7ALO Single-Op Portable CN85:  Operated from Southfork Mountain at 4,800ft in a rain-snow mix for two days. I had a few electrical issues at the start, which limited me to 2.5watts on the first day until I figured out a solution. Overall the contest was a success regardless of the weather, or the fact 6m didn't open up for us for very long.

N6ZE Single-Op Low Power DM04:  Different effort for me. I decided to try to learn how to use WSJT and did 6m only from CALIF QTH. No openings on Sat. E-W openings on Sunday to NM/AZ/TX and that was about it! Never heard PNW, Midwest, NE or Atlantic Coast! Half a hundred Qs in less than 20 grids! Rig IC-756 Pro 2, M2 5 element yagi @ 15'.

KF5YUB Single-Op 3-Band EM01:  I played VHF contest on 6 Meters only, one day only, Sunday. I used the Yaesu FTDX 1200, set at 100 watts on SSB and 20 watts on FT-8. The antenna is a three element Yagi at 28'. Band conditions for me were not very good. Thank you for the really tough ones that stayed with me to make the correct call sign and exchange.

N7DB Single-Op Low Power CN85:  Heard some single and double hop on 6, but no contacts. DX seemed to be all on FT8 this time. Thanks to the rover stations.

VE7DAY Single-Op High Power CO70:  Missed the first 3 1/2 hours and the last 3 1/2 hours but had fun.

W7GLF Single-Operator High Power:  Slow contest, seemed a lot of the activity was on FT-8.

VE7AFZ/R Unlimited Rover:  3 grids activated CN89 CN99 CO80

K7ATN Single-Op Portable CN85:  I was FM only and QRP Portable on 6M to 23cm (had 13cm but no takers. Operated Saturday only for six hours from Bald Peak at about 1600 feet.

K7IMA Single-Op FM Only CN85:  QRP - 5W with three HT.

WW7D/R Limited Rover:  10 grids activated CN76 CN77 CN85 CN86 CN87 CN88 CN95 CN96 CN97 CN98

KE7MSU/R Rover:  10 grids activated CN76 CN77 CN85 CN86 CN87 CN88 CN95 CN96 CN97 CN98