
2018 ARRL September VHF Contest

52 Logs Received

Revised 2020-09-20
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Callsign Score ARRL
Category Bands QSOs Points Grids Rover




Limited Multi-Op







WW7D/R 36124 WWA Limited Rover ABCD 606 821 44 10 see below 13
KE7SW 17755 WWA SOHP ABCDEFGH 228 335 53 CN87 16
N7EPD 13959 WWA SOHP ABCD 223 297 47 CN87 15
KE7MSU/R 12510 OR Rover ABCDEFG 198 278 45 3 see below 13
N0LL* 11397 KS SOLP ABCD 106 131 87 EM09 1
K7BDB/R 9636 OR Limited Rover ABCD 226 292 33 6 see below 9
W4DVE 9152 OR SOP ABCDEF 205 286 32 CN85 9
K7YDL 8784 OR SOHP ABCDE 184 244 36 CN85 15
K7ND 8736 WWA SOHP ABCDEFGH 115 182 48 CN87 11
W7GLF 6868 WWA SOHP ABCDEFG 143 202 34 CN87 11
N7QOZ 6270 WWA SOLP ABCD 163 209 30 CN87 11
W7FI 5346 WWA SOHP ABCD 130 162 33 CN87 15
W7QQ* 5330 NM SOHP ABCDEF 84 130 41 DM75
N7KSI 4352 WWA SOLP ABDF 103 136 32 CN86 13
WA7TZY 4104 WWA SOHP ABCDF 107 152 27 CN87 10
KE0CO 3672 WWA SOHP ABCDEF 84 136 27 CN87 8
KG7P 3325 WWA SOHP ABCDEF 92 133 25 CN87 9
K7BWH 3248 WWA SOLP ABCD 113 116 28 CN98 14
K0JJ 3174 OR SOHP ABCDF 98 138 23 CN85 12
WE7X 2438 WWA SOLP ABCD 90 106 23 CN97 10
AC7MD 2310 WWA SOLP ABCD 79 105 22 CN87 9
W7YOZ 2090 WWA SOHP ABCDF 69 95 22 CN87 10
K7CW 1701 WWA SOHP A 81 81 21 CN87 19
KG7ZFC 1584 WWA SOLP ABCD 76 88 18 CN87 9
AF7MD 1554 OR SOLP ABCDEF 79 111 14 CN85 5
VE7FYC 1426 BC SOP ABCDF 46 62 23 CN89 10
AL1VE/R 1403 WWA Limited Rover ABCD 49 61 23 2 see below 9
K7MDL/R 1292 WWA Limited Rover AB 76 76 17 2 see below 10
K7ATN/R 1288 OR Unlimited Rover ABCDEF 66 92 14 2 see below 5
VE7DAY 1100 BC SOHP ABD 42 44 25 CO70 14
VE7AFZ/R 846 BC Limited Rover AB 47 47 18 2 see below 8
N7DB 800 OR SOLP ABCD 63 80 10 CN85 5
KX7L 795 WWA SO3B ABD 52 53 15 CN87 10
WA9ONY 693 WWA SOLP ABCDF 52 77 9 CN85 3
K1FJM/6* 522 SB SOLP ABCD 40 58 9 DM04
K7KQA 360 EWA SOLP ABCDF 23 30 12 DN06 6
N6KW 330 WWA SO3B ABD 29 33 10 CN87 5
KG7GDB 290 OR SO3B ABD 28 29 10 CN84 7
VE7HR 286 BC SOLP ABCDF 22 26 11 CN89 6
K6UM 252 OR SOHP AB 28 28 9 CN85 7
N7MWV 209 WWA SOLP AB 19 19 11 CN86 8
KD7PY 190 WWA SOLP A 19 19 10 CN87 10
W7BA 180 WWA SOHP ABCF 23 36 5 CN87 2
KG7GVW 128 WWA SO3B BD 14 16 8 CN97 6
KB7ME 110 OR SOHP AB 11 11 10 CN92 4
K7IMA 108 OR SOFM BCD 18 27 6 CN84 3
KI7LTT 56 OR SOFM BD 22 28 2 CN85 1
W7TZ 48 OR SO3B AB 8 8 6 CN83 5
K7VHF 33 WWA SO3B ABD 10 11 3 CN87 1
WB7BST 15 WWA SOHP F 5 15 1 CN87 1
N6ZE/6* 12 SB SOP E 2 6 2 DM04

* = PNWVHFS Member operating outside the Society region. Not eligible for PNWVHFS Awards.
** = Log received late, not eligible for PNWVHFS Awards.

Band Codes: A - 50 MHz, B - 144 MHz, C - 222 MHz, D - 432 MHz, E - 902 MHz, F - 1.2 GHz, G - 2.3 GHz, H - 3.4 GHz, I - 5.7 GHz, J - 10 GHz, K - 24 GHz, L - 300+ GHz

PNWVHFS Award Winners

Certificates at the PNWVHFS Conference in October 2018
Rover: KE7MSU/R - OR
Limited Rover: VE7AFZ/R-BC, WW7D/R-WWA
Single-Op High Power: VE7DAY - BC, K7YDL - OR, KE7SW - WWA
Single-Op High Power 50 MHz: K7CW-WWA
Single-Op Low Power: VE7HR-BC, K7KQA-EWA, AF7MD - OR, N7QOZ - WWA
Single-Op Low Power 50 MHz: KD7PY-WWA
Single-Op 3-Band: W7TZ - OR, KX7L - WWA
Single-Op FM: K7IMA-OR
Single-Op Portable: VE7FYC - BC, W4DVE - OR

Additional Information

K5QE Limited Multi-Op EM31:  Operators K5QE, N5YA, N1XS, AE5VB,  WA5CAM, AF8Z, N5KDA, W5KDA, K7RSM
Once again, terrible propagation.  6M was poor and FT8 took forever to work anyone.  6M meteors were fair to good.  2M EME was also fair to poor, but I did work a new CQ Zone on 2M...only two left.  I also worked AK on 222 EME for a new state on that band.  We had a lot of problems with equipment after a lightning storm Saturday night.  We were able to fix everything, but we did lose some time on the bands.

WW7D/R Limited Rover:  Activated CN76 CN77 CN85 CN86 CN87 CN88 CN95 CN96 CN97 CN98
I roved to 10 grids around Western Washington for this contest. Everything worked very well, and the weather cooperated until rain kicked in for the final 30 minutes of the contest. There was a lot of activity in the Pacific Northwest this contest. The 606 QSOs were with 95 unique calls.  The many other rovers (KE7MSU/R, K7BDB/R, K7JSG/R, K7AJG/R, AE7QT/R, K7MDL/R, K7ATN/R, AC7MD/R, VE7AFZ/R, AL1VE/R, W7TAO/R) and the portable operations providing rarer grids (N6LB, K7BWH, WE7X, WW7LW) were very much appreciated. Top QSO counts were with KE7SW (33), N7EPD (32), KE7MSU/R (29), W7GLF (27), K7BDB/R (26), N7QOZ (25), K7ND (24), KE0CO (23), K7JSG/R (20), WA2BFW (19), W7FI (17), N7KSI (17), K7YDL (16), WZ8T (15).

KE7MSU/R Rover:b>  CN85 CN86 CN87

K7BDB/R Limited Rover:  CN85 CN86 CN87 CN95 CN96 CN97

WA7TZY Single-Op High Power CN87:  Operated from 9am to 8pm Sunday local time.

K7BWH Single-Op Low Power:  CN98
I operated one day (7 hours) mountaintop portable on Mt Pilchuck from a high vantage point overlooking the city of Everett and all of Puget Sound. This is a premier VHF location in western Washington State. I had a modest station: 6 and 2 meters, barefoot 9100, 3-element yagi. Portland CN85 to the south was loud and I also worked CN84 further south. Mark VE7AFZ/R to the north in BC was easy copy in all three places he was on the air with his backpack portable station. Dave VE7HR also had a great signal here. I even worked VE7DAY in CO70 - great fun. I heard Mark W7MEM in DN17 to the east but I guess he never heard me; I was facing a big hill in that direction. Often I was the first to work a new player on the band, leaving the crowd to tail-end him in a big mess while I switched to my other band. I almost feel guilty, but I just love these outings where all the contacts are easy.Gosh there were a LOT of portable and SOTA and Rover stations in the PNW! Incredible. Heartwarming. I am amazed. Nice job guys, thanks for going out. More details and photos at https://coilgun.info/travel/2018-09.htm

ALIVE/R Limited Rover:  CN87 CN88

K7MDL/R Limited Rover:  CN88 CN98
Operated on Samish Overlook at 1300ft CN88, and Mt. Pilchuck CN98, and my diveway on Camano Island (CN88)

K7ATN/R Unlimited Rover:  CN84 CN85

VE7DAY Single-Op High Power:  CO70
I enjoyed the contest although it was very slow here.

VE7AFZ/R Limited Rover:  CN89 CN99

KX7L Single-Op 3-Band:  CN87
I had limited time on Saturday to operate, and not much more on Sunday, but was pleasantly surprised by all the activity.  No openings, but managed to work over the mountains to CN94 and DN06.  Lots of rover activity as well, which kept things lively. Thanks for all the QSO's!

K1FJM/6 (N6ZE) Single-Op Low Power:  DM04
With only limited time available for this contest, I elected to be an FM only entry. According to the rules, I was restricted to the use of only the 50, 144, 223, & 446 MHz bands. I used an FT857 and TM231A with small whip antennae only. I operated from a very minor hilltop in the middle of the city of Thousand Oaks, CA (DM04ne). Because the Santa Monica Mountain range lies just to the South of Thousand Oaks, I was glad to be able to work the San Diego, CA (DM12) area on both 2 meters & 70 cm despite my marginal setup! I made 40 QSOs on 4 bands with a total of 9 grids worked and 16 unique calls worked. Best DX on 70 cm was about 130 miles.

K7KQA Single-Op Low Power:  DN06
Slow start to the contest here, It seemed to pick up Sunday afternoon. I had fun casually operating throughout the weekend. I'm VERY happy to have had some great Q's into the CN85-87 corridor (and beyond). This was the first time at new QTH that I've had so many good Q's.. I was worried my new qth was shot for anything above 50mhz, boy was I wrong!  K7YDL and a couple others about blew the brakes off my radio. 1296 was on all weekend and one contact made. (that's a win for me). Thanks all! .-James K7KQA DN06

N6KW Single-Op 3-Band:  CN87
Went to the baseball game Sunday and saw the M's beat the Yankees, so didn't do much contest Sunday. The mighty antennas on the balcony and the view west at N6KW in West Seattle:

KI7LTT Single-Op FM Only:  CN85
First September VHF! Woo!

K7VHF Single Op 3-Band (K7BWH):  CN87
It was fun to use the club call sign K7VHF for a day. This solved my problem of operating on Mt Pilchuck one day (but not "rover") and from home the next day. It was not-so-fun on the air from my 'silent pit of despair' home QTH. I could barely hear the biggest stations like K7CW and only the closest hams couldn't hear me at all.

N6ZE/6 Single-Op Portable:  DM04
N6ZE/6 (DM04ne)Thousand Oaks, CA, made 2 QSOs on 33 cm FM. N7WLC (DM04ne) and N6UTC (DM03wt), Signal Hill, CA at 50.46 miles Note: The Santa Monica Mountain Range lies directly between N6ZE/6 & N6UTC. Rig: ALINCO DJ-G29 FM handheld and 11 element M2 yagi.
QSO: 902 PH 2018-09-09 2141 N6ZE/6 DM04 N7WLC DM04
QSO: 902 PH 2018-09-09 2344 N6ZE/6 DM04 N6UTC DM03