2019 ARRL January VHF Contest
50 Logs Received
Posted 2019-02-10
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Callsign | Score | ARRL Section |
Category | Bands | QSOs | Points | Grids | Rover Grids Activated |
Grids Activated |
PNW Grids Worked |
K5QE* | 85800 | STX | Limited Multi-Op | ABCD | 351 | 390 | 220 | EM31 | 2 | |
WW7D /R | 44055 | WWA | Limited Rover | ABCD | 591 | 801 | 55 | 10 | see below | 14 |
K7ATN /R | 40415 | OR | Unlimited Rover | ABCDEFG | 386 | 685 | 59 | 9 | see below | 11 |
KE7MSU /R | 24180 | OR | Rover | ABCDEFG | 243 | 465 | 52 | 5 | see below | 13 |
KE7SW | 20328 | WWA | SOHP | ABCDEFGH | 238 | 363 | 56 | CN87 | 17 | |
N7EPD | 15861 | WWA | SOHP | ABCD | 236 | 311 | 51 | CN87 | 17 | |
KD7UO | 13800 | WWA | SOHP | ABCDEF | 205 | 276 | 50 | CN87 | 15 | |
N0LL* | 13172 | KS | SOLP | ABCD | 125 | 148 | 89 | EM09 | 2 | |
K7BDB /R | 12138 | OR | Limited Rover | ABCD | 266 | 357 | 34 | 7 | see below | 12 |
K7ND | 8789 | WWA | SOHP | ABCDFGH | 110 | 187 | 47 | CN87 | 17 | |
K7CW | 7536 | WWA | SOHP | A | 157 | 157 | 48 | CN87 | 20 | |
N6ZE /R* | 5850 | SB | Rover | ABCDEF | 129 | 195 | 30 | 6 | see below | |
K7BWH /R | 5148 | WWA | Limited Rover | ABD | 135 | 143 | 36 | 4 | see below | 17 |
K0JJ | 5106 | OR | SOHP | ABCDF | 100 | 138 | 37 | CN85 | 15 | |
KB7ME | 4864 | WWA | SOHP | ABCD | 108 | 128 | 38 | CN85 | 17 | |
K7JSG /R | 3950 | WWA | Limited Rover | ABCD | 119 | 158 | 25 | 4 | see below | 8 |
N7QOZ | 3700 | WWA | SO3B | ABD | 141 | 148 | 25 | CN87 | 11 | |
W7KKE | 3536 | OR | SOLP | ABCDEF | 68 | 136 | 26 | CN75 | 5 | |
N7KSI | 3276 | WWA | SOLP | ABDF | 96 | 126 | 26 | CN86 | 12 | |
KG7P | 2440 | WWA | SOHP | ABCDEF | 79 | 122 | 20 | CN87 | 8 | |
KX7L | 1936 | WWA | SO3B | ABD | 86 | 88 | 22 | CN87 | 12 | |
W7BA | 1577 | WWA | SOHP | ABCF | 60 | 83 | 19 | CN87 | 11 | |
VE7DAY | 1539 | BC | SOHP | ABD | 55 | 57 | 27 | CO70 | 14 | |
NJ7A* | 1404 | UT | SOLP | ABCDFJ | 37 | 54 | 26 | DN30 | 4 | |
VE7AFZ /R | 1344 | BC | Unlimited Rover | ABD | 56 | 64 | 21 | 2 | see below | 10 |
AF7MD | 1270 | OR | SO3B | ABD | 100 | 127 | 10 | CN85 | 6 | |
K7IMA | 909 | OR | SOFM | ABCD | 73 | 101 | 9 | CN85 | 3 | |
N6KW | 896 | WWA | SO3B | ABD | 50 | 56 | 16 | CN87 | 10 | |
K6UM | 860 | OR | SOHP | A | 43 | 43 | 20 | CN85 | 15 | |
WE7X /R | 820 | WWA | Limited Rover | ABD | 33 | 41 | 20 | 4 | see below | 7 |
VE7JH | 742 | BC | SOP | ABD | 38 | 53 | 14 | CN88 | 8 | |
W3XS | 475 | OR | SOHP | AB | 25 | 25 | 19 | CN74 | 8 | |
N6LB | 455 | WWA | SO3B | AB | 35 | 35 | 13 | CN88 | 8 | |
W4DVE | 455 | WWA | SO3B | ABD | 50 | 65 | 7 | CN85 | 3 | |
WA7TZY | 406 | WWA | SOHP | CF | 19 | 58 | 7 | CN87 | 5 | |
KI7LTT | 296 | OR | SOFM | BD | 52 | 74 | 4 | CN85 | 2 | |
WB7BST | 264 | WWA | SOHP | CF | 12 | 44 | 6 | CN87 | 5 | |
KD7TS | 235 | WWA | SOLP | BCEFG | 17 | 47 | 5 | CN87 | 1 | |
K3RW /R | 234 | WWA | Limited Rover | BCD | 17 | 26 | 9 | 3 | see below | 3 |
W7TZ | 234 | OR | Limited Multi-Op | AB | 18 | 18 | 13 | CN83 | 10 | |
K7RJB | 200 | OR | SO3B | ABD | 41 | 50 | 4 | CN85 | 2 | |
K7III | 192 | WWA | SO3B | AB | 24 | 24 | 8 | CN87 | 6 | |
K7HSJ | 72 | OR | SOLP | BCDF | 7 | 12 | 6 | CN94 | 2 | |
K7KQA | 54 | EWA | SOHP | AC | 8 | 9 | 6 | DN06 | 4 | |
AG7QH | 36 | OR | SO3B | BD | 7 | 9 | 4 | CN84 | 3 | |
W6LLP | 28 | EWA | SOLP | ABCD | 5 | 7 | 4 | DN17 | 1 | |
AI9Q | 27 | WWA | SOFM | BCD | 6 | 9 | 3 | CN85 | 1 | |
N7FW | 24 | WWA | SOLP | B | 8 | 8 | 3 | CN87 | 3 | |
K7SMA | 14 | ID | SOLP | A | 7 | 7 | 2 | DN13 | 2 | |
W7AMI | 8 | ID | SOLP | A | 4 | 4 | 2 | DN13 | 2 |
* = PNWVHFS Member operating outside the Society
region. Not eligible for PNWVHFS Awards.
** = Log received late, not eligible for PNWVHFS Awards.
Band Codes: A - 50 MHz, B - 144 MHz, C - 222 MHz, D - 432 MHz, E - 902 MHz, F - 1.2 GHz, G - 2.3 GHz, H - 3.4 GHz, I - 5.7 GHz
PNWVHFS Award Winners
Certificates at the PNWVHFS Conference in October 2019
Limited Multi-Op: W7TZ-OR
Limited Rover: K7BDB/R-OR, WW7D/R-WWA
Unlimited Rover: VE7AFZ/R-BC, K7ATN/R-OR
Single-Op High Power: VE7DAY-BC, K7KQA-EWA, K0JJ-OR, KE7SW-WWA
Single-Op High Power 50 MHz: K6UM-OR, K7CW-WWA
Single-Op Low Power: W6LLP-EWA, W7KKE-OR, N7KSI-WWA
Single-Op Low Power 50 MHz: K7SMA-ID
Single-Op 3-Band: AF7MD-OR, N7QOZ-WWA
Single-Op Portable: VE7JH-BC
Single-Op FM: K7IMA-OR, AI9Q-WWA
Additional Information
K5QE Limited Multi-Operator STX EM31:
Operators K5QE, N5YA, N1XS, AF8Z, N5KDA, W5KDA, K0YY
Worked 2 PNW Grids: CN87 DN17...
WHAT PROPAGATION??? We had to slug it out for
every one of those QSOs. We got NO Es at all on 6M....2M EME was
fair on Sat but poor on Sun.....On the other hand, I have not seen
anyone with a larger score than what we have.....
WW7D/R Limited Rover WWA: Activated 10 ROVER GRIDS: CN76 CN77 CN85 CN86 CN87 CN88 CN95 CN96 CN97 CN98 Worked 14 PNW GRIDS: CN76 CN77 CN78 CN85 CN86 CN87 CN88 CN89 CN93 CN95 CN96 CN97 CN98 CN99
K7ATN/R Unlimited Rover OR:
Activated 9 ROVER GRIDS: CN74 CN75 CN76 CN77 CN84 CN85 CN86 CN87 CN95
Worked 11 PNW GRIDS: CN74 CN75 CN76 CN77 CN84 CN85 CN86 CN87 CN93 CN95
KE7MSU/R Rover OR:
Activated 5 ROVER GRIDS: CN74 CN75 CN84 CN85 CN86
Worked 13 PNW GRIDS: CN74 CN75 CN76 CN77 CN84 CN85 CN86 CN87 CN88 CN93
CN95 CN96 CN97
Worked 15 PNW GRIDS: CN73 CN77 CN78 CN84 CN85 CN86 CN87 CN88 CN89 CN93
CN94 CN96 CN97 CN98 CO70
Thanks for working me in the contest. Between multiple transverters, multiple
radios, three antenna rotors, a tangle of cables, it's no wonder I'm
always exhausted at the end of these things. But nothing blew up,
most of the transverters worked most of the time, so we'll call it a
K7BDB/R Limited Rover OR:
Activated 7 ROVER GRIDS: CN85 CN86 CN87 CN88 CN96 CN97 CN98
Worked 12 PNW GRIDS: CN73 CN76 CN78 CN85 CN86 CN87 CN88 CN93 CN95 CN96
CN97 CN98
N6ZE/R Rover CA:
Pete N6ZE, Woodie WA6WDY.
Activated 6 ROVER GRIDS: DM03 DM04 DM05 DM13 DM14 DM15
Location: ARRL Southwestern Division including Los Angeles,
Santa Barbara, Orange, San Joaquin Valley Sections 450 Miles driven
Score: 5970 points (QSOs 133) (QSO points = 199) ( 24
Grids worked 8 + 6 Grids Activated) QSOs per Mile (QPM) = .296
Points per Mile (PPM): 13.27 Interesting "highlights": On
Saturday, we had sunny skies, temperature 74 deg. F, calm winds:
temperature inversion between Malibu & Santa Barbara noted visually
and by signal reports. Grids Activated (6): DM04, DM03, DM13, DM14,
DM15, DM05 Equipment: FT857: 6m/2m/70cm; TM331A: 135cm; DJ-G29: 33cm;
DJ-G7: 23cm; Antennas: whips on 6m- 70cm & small handheld yagis for
33cm & 23cm. (7 element 2 meter yagi used in DM05 only) ALL QSOs on
SSB or FM.
K7BWH/R Limited Rover WWA:
Activated 4 ROVER GRIDS: CN77 CN78 CN87 CN88
Worked 17 PNW GRIDS: CN73 CN76 CN77 CN78 CN79 CN84 CN85 CN86 CN87 CN88
CN89 CN95 CN97 CN98 CN99 CO70 DN17 Claimed score 5,436 is not bad
for two operating spots with two bands, and a few FM mobile contacts. I
really like FT8 for adding grid multipliers but even during good
conditions it's slow, perhaps only a few contacts per hour. I
wanted to visit some mountaintop spots in the Olympic Peninsula. So in this
January VHF contest, I took the ferry across Puget Sound and activated rare
grid squares CN77 Mt Octopus on Saturday, and CN78 North Point on Sunday,
thereby qualifying as a rover. I set up all day long as a portable station
with modest power but fairly big antennas. It was such good fun to work
stations up and down the coast from British Columbia to Idaho to California.
FT8 added several new and distant grids to the log in spite of no
Es openings, but it was awfully slow going. My thanks go to all the
many PNW rovers, quite possibly a record number for the
division, and especially to Rod WE7X/R who explored even
more spots nearby in these remote grids in this rugged
terrain. We drove up to the snow line around 3,500' but didn't venture
much beyond.
K7JSG/R Limited Rover WA:
Activated 4 ROVER GRIDS: CN86 CN87 CN96 CN97
Worked 8 PNW GRIDS: CN76 CN77 CN85 CN86 CN87 CN88 CN96 CN97
W7KKE SOLP OR CN75: This contest was highlighted by a surprise FT-8 opening to Hawaii Saturday evening, working KH6U and NH6Y, and a good Sunday morning rover gaggle around the CN74, CN75, CN84, and CN85 grid intersection. K7ATN/R, KE7MSU/R and N7HQR/R did the grid dance and several locals joined in on 6 SSB, 2, 220, and 440 FM. Hopefully the other locals enjoyed the contesting and will be back on the air in June. With the increased activity, this was my best score so far with a claimed score of 3536. Lots of fun!
KX7L SO3B WWA CN87: This is my best score ever in the January contest, and with probably less than the usual BIC time! No Es openings to speak of either. (I did briefly hear some W6's on FT8 Saturday, but didn't work any.) Highlights were working W7MEM on 2m (no meteors involved), and W7YAQ way down in CN94 on 6, likewise meteor free. Lots of new calls heard. Contacts were fairly even split between FT8 and SSB on 6. Thanks for all the QSOs!
VE7AFZ/R Unlimited Rover BC:
Operators VE7AFZ VA7RSM
Activated 2 ROVER GRIDS: CN89 CN99
Worked 10 PNW GRIDS: CN76 CN77 CN85 CN86 CN87 CN88 CN89 CN96 CN97 CO70
WE7X/R Limited Rover WWA:
Activated 4 ROVER GRIDS: CN77 CN78 CN87 CN88
Worked 7 PNW GRIDS: CN76 CN77 CN78 CN87 CN88 CN98 CN99
KI7LTT SOFM OR: First January VHF, 3rd Contest ever! (Welcome Eric!)
K3RW/R Limited Rover FM only WA/OR:
Activated 3 ROVER GRIDS: CN74 CN84 CN85
W7TZ Limited Multi-Op OR:
Operators W7TZ, K7NG
Worked 10 PNW GRIDS: CN73 CN74 CN82 CN83 CN84 CN85 CN87 CN94
CO70 DN27
N6LB SOLP WWA CN88: 1850 feet on Mt Erie, Anacortes, Washington state