
2021 ARRL June VHF Contest

51 Logs Received

Updated 2021-09-05
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CallsignSort ScoreSort RegionSort CategorySort BandsSort QSOsSort PointsSort GridsSort Rover
Grids Sort
K5QE * 326,200 STX LM ABCD 876 932 350 0 EM31 3
N0LL * 69,216 KS SOLP ABCD 399 412 168 0 EM09 1
AL1VE/R * 32,200 NE RL A 280 280 118 6 see notes below 2
KE7SW 24,072 WWA SOHP ABCDEFGH 252 385 68 0 CN87 12
K7CW 17,280 WWA SOSB A 260 260 64 0 CN87 26
W7MEM 12,180 ID SO3B ABD 127 140 87 0 DN17 15
KC7OOY/R 10,803 OR RL ABCDF 209 292 47 9 See notes below 10
K6NGN * 10,716 SV SO3B ABD 135 142 76 0 CN81 17
K7KSI 9,360 WWA SOHP ABCDF 147 202 48 0 CN87 17
VE7DAY 7,965 BC SOHP ABCD 130 135 59 0 CO70 15
NJ7A * 6,848 UT SOLP ABCDF 91 107 64 0 DN30 8
K7MDL/R 6,208 WWA ROVER ABCDEF 124 194 32 4 See notes below 9
K7ND 5,530 WWA SOHP ABCDEFGH 93 184 35 0 CN87 10
K7YO 5,425 OR SOLP ABCDF 131 181 31 0 CN85 9
N6ZE/R * 5,292 SB R ABCDEFGHI 119 189 28 2 see notes below 1
KG7P 5,256 WWA SOHP ABCDEF 116 151 36 0 CN87 9
KB7ME 5,214 WWA SOHP ABC 111 113 47 0 CN85 13
KI0E 5,088 ID SOLP ABCDEF 112 171 32 0 DN13 5
NR7Y 4,898 OR SOLP ABCDF 129 162 31 0 CN85 8
W7GLF 4,890 WWA SOHP ABCDEF 111 173 32 0 CN87 10
KA7RRA/R 4,444 WWA RL ABCD 162 201 22 5 see notes below 4
N7QOZ 4,248 WWA SO3B ABD 143 177 24 0 CN87 8
N7NW 4,134 WWA SOHP ABC 97 106 39 0 CN87 14
N7MWV 3,234 WWA SOHP ABCDF 71 103 33 0 CN86 12
KX7L 3,186 WWA SOLP AB 118 118 27 0 CN87 10
W7FI 3,159 WWA SOSB A 112 112 27 0 CN87 11
K6UM 2,492 OR SOSB A 89 89 28 0 CN85 11
K7III 2,464 WWA SOLP AB 112 112 22 0 CN87 8
N7PHY 2,244 EWA SOSB A 66 66 34 0 DN08 12
N7ZZE 2,096 WWA SO3B ABD 109 129 16 0 CN85 7
K7ATN/P 1,900 OR QRP ABCDF 65 100 15 0 CN86 7
VE7AFZ/R 1,840 BC RU ABCDEF 63 78 24 2 see notes below 9
WA9BTV 1,722 WWA SOHP ABCDEF 58 82 21 0 CN88 6
KE0CO 1,672 WWA SOLP ABCDEF 60 78 22 0 CN87 8
N7DB 1,218 OR SOLP ABCD 77 87 14 0 CN85 4
VE7HR 994 BC SOLP ABCDEF 49 74 14 0 CN89 4
VE7JH 976 BC SO3B ABD 52 61 16 0 CN88 7
WA7BRL 812 WWA SOSB A 58 58 13 0 CN87 7
KB7IOG 656 WWA SOLP ABCDEF 31 82 8 0 CN87 2
K7MDL 598 WWA SOHP ABCDF 42 47 13 0 CN88 5
K1FMJ * 496 SB ML A 31 31 16 0 DM04 0
W4MHI 354 WWA SOSB A 59 59 6 0 CN87 6
W6ABM 147 OR SOSB A 21 21 7 0 CN85 4
K7SYS 126 ID SOSB A 14 14 9 0 DN18 4
W7TZ 117 OR SOSB A 13 13 9 0 CN83 7
KJ7BXA 112 WWA SOSB A 28 28 4 0 CN87 4
K0JJ 72 OR SOSB A 18 18 4 0 CN85 4
N7IAD 45 WWA SOSB A 15 15 3 0 CN87 3
K7IMA 28 WWA SOFM B 14 14 2 0 CN98 2
N0CYT 24 WWA SOLP AB 6 6 4 1 CN88 2
K7KQA 1 EWA SOHP A 1 1 1 0 DN06 0

* = PNWVHFS Member operating outside the Society region. Not eligible for PNWVHFS Awards.
** = Log received late, not eligible for PNWVHFS Awards.

Band Codes: A - 50 MHz, B - 144 MHz, C - 222 MHz, D - 432 MHz, E - 902 MHz, F - 1.2 GHz, G - 2.3 GHz, H - 3.4 GHz, I - 5.7 GHz, J - 10 GHz, K - 24 GHz, L - 300+ GHz

PNWVHFS Award Winners

Certificates at the next PNWVHFS Conference TBD

Unlimited Rover:  VE7AFZ/R-BC, 
Limited Rover:  KC7OOY/R-OR,  VE7AFZ/R-BC,  KA7RRA/R-WA
Single-Op High Power:  KE7SW-WWA,  VE7DAY-BC
Single-Op High Power 50 MHz:  K7CW-WWA,  K6UM-OR,   N7PHY-EWA
Single-Op Low Power 50 MHz:  WA7BRL-WWA,  : W6ABM-OR,   K7SYS-ID
Single-Op Low Power:  KI0E-ID,  KX7L-WWA,  K7YO-OR,  VE7HR-BC
Single-Op 3-Band:  W7MEM-ID,  N7QOZ-WWA
Single-Op QRP:  K7ATN-OR,

Additional Information

VE7AFZ/R Unlimited Rover BC:  Activated 2 ROVER GRIDS: CN89 CN99
Worked PNW 7 GRIDS:  CN73 CN85 CN86 CN87 CN88 CN89 CN95 CN97 DN05 DN14
Operators: VE7FYC and VE7AFZ

KC7OOY/R Rover-Limited OR:  Activated 8 ROVER GRIDS:  CN82 CN83 CN84 CN85 CN86 CN87 CN96 CN97
Worked 10 PNW GRIDS:  CN73 CN74 CN82 CN83 CN84 CN85 CN86 CN87 CN94 CN97

KA7RRA/R Rover-Limited WWA: 
Activated 5 ROVER GRIDS:  CN86 CN87 CN88 CN97 CN98
Worked 4 PNW GRIDS:  CN85 CN86 CN87 CN97

Worked 9 PNW GRIDS: CN79 CN84 CN86 CN87 CN88 CN89 CN97 CN98 CO70
Operators: Paul WA9BTV and Mike K7MDL
Mike also worked from home on Saturday using the call K7MDL

N6ZE/R ROVER SB:  Activated 2 ROVER GRIDS DM03 DM04: 
On Saturday, N6ZE/R spent several hours at the home QTH of Steve, WA6EJO, to gain experience with the three band HackRF Microwave Transceivers which he constructed as well as to visit with Roger, K6LMN/R.K6LMN's primary reason to visit WA6EJO was so that they would be able to complete a QSO on Light.

Steve WA6EJO and Roger K6LMN-R

Steve, WA6EJO, recently constructed a pair of HackRF One Portapack microwave transceivers. These units operate on 13cm, 9cm, and 5cm and are equipped with panel antennas. It takes two antennas to cover the three bands. One panel is 13 dBi at 13cm and 5cm. It takes a second panel for 3 GHz. A pair of SMA relays handle the TR switching between a Lotus LNA700M6P0G 1 dB NF preamp and a JCA JCA48-4111B1 power amp. The power amp delivers 175mW to 550mW depending on the band yielding 3.5W to 11W ERP. The rigs are made to plug into a car cigarette lighter outlet and include microphones and audio speakers.

HackRF One Portapack Transceivers for 13, 9, & 5 cm bands
The HackRF One barefoot puts out about 0.1mW to 5mW and can transmit and receive from 1 MHz to 6 GHz. FM is utilized for transmit. The HackRF One can receive SSB but not transmit in that mode. They are fussy to set up to transceive as a lot of menu selecting and button pushing is required.

On Sunday, N6ZE & WA6WDY, operated N6ZE/R from 4 locations in DM03 & DM04. N6ZE/R & Steve made QSOs on a total of 9 bands. Initial operating spot was by the Pepperdine University Beach Park in DM04. That was followed by two spots in Palos Verdes (DM03). The 4th location was a favorite spot in the Santa Monica Mts. (DM04qb). From DM03, we briefly heard a DM24 station on 2 meters. From DM04qb, we made lots of contacts in a short operating period, BUT this was the only location from which we had any contacts with DM12 stations. We worked DM12 on 2/135cm/70cm. Of note, when we were at our other locations, we never did hear anyone working South to DM12, even when we were on a Palos Verdes hilltop! Verticals were used on the lower bands, while small yagis were used with two ALINCO handhelds for 33 & 23 cm. N6ZE also worked from home in DM04 using the call K1FMJ

AL1VE/R Rover-Unlimited OR:  Activated 6 Rover grids: DN91 DN90 DN80 DM99 DM98 DM89
Worked 5 PNW grids: DN17 DO00

Near DN90 DN80 Grid Line in western NE

Another contest, more modifications to my existing rover set-up. Besides a new DIY mast mounting support, made out of an old steel shelving unit, I replaced my three heavy 12v Lead Acid Deep Cells for a commercial 100AH and a DIY 200AH Lithium Batteries. I also changed up my route starting Saturday in familiar western KS grids and for Sunday finding brand new rover locations in southwest NE. My first stop was at the DM99 98, 89 88 grid corner and band conditions were not like previous years. After roving around the corner once I headed north for the DN91 90 81 80 grid corner. It was fairly easy to find operating sites on the wide dirt roads all within 2 miles of the grid corner. Unfortunately, poor conditions that existed on Saturday followed me here. This was the first time many years of roving the Midwest that I didn't work anyone in OR or WA.

K7ATN/P QRP OR CN86:  Worked 7 PNW GRIDS: CN84 CN85 CN86 CN87 CN95 CN96 CN97
Saturday K7ATN operated QRP Portable (@10W max) on Nicolai Mountain, 3028 feet in CN86 (near Astoria).

N7DB SOLP OR-CN85:  Similar conditions as last June except there was a brief N-S opening this year on 6. Heard some scatter on 6, Not set up for digital, but looks like FT8 is becoming dominate mode.

K7YO SOLP OR-CN85:  This was a fun contest.

KB7IOG SO3B WWA-CN87:  Truly enjoyed the contacts. Thanks for all the effort.

N7QOZ SO3B WWA-CN87:  Also submitted a check-log for 432 MHz.

VE7DAY SOHP BC-CO70:  I was very surprised at such a low score in a June VHF contest, but enjoyed it.

KX7L SOLP WWA-CN87:  Only one decent Es opening, on Saturday late in the afternoon into SoCal, but still have lots of fun, and still had a pretty decent score for me, all considering. Lots of new local calls heard! Thanks for all the Q's!

K5QE Limited Multi-Operator STX EM31:  Operators: K5QE, K5MQ, N5KDA, W5KDA, N5YA, AF8Z, WB2FKO, KN5O, W5XU