2021 CQ Worldwide VHF Contest
21 Logs Received
Posted 2021-09-05
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Callsign![]() |
Score![]() |
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QSOs![]() |
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Rover Grids ![]() Activated |
Grids![]() Activated |
PNW Grids ![]() Worked |
K5QE * | 49,343 | TX | Multi-Op | AB | 234 | 341 | 133 | EM31 | 1 | |
N7PHY | 27,966 | WA | SOSB | A | 237 | 237 | 118 | DN08 | 14 | |
AL1VE | 13,965 | OR | SOSB | A | 147 | 147 | 95 | DN02 | 12 | |
K7CW | 12,118 | WA | SOSB | A | 163 | 163 | 73 | CN87 | 20 | |
K7MDL | 5,863 | WA | SOAB | AB | 112 | 143 | 41 | CN88 | 10 | |
VE7DAY | 4,080 | BC | SOAB | AB | 80 | 85 | 47 | CO70 | 7 | |
N7NW | 3,696 | WA | SOAB | AB | 80 | 88 | 42 | CN87 | 15 | |
W7FI | 2,822 | WA | SOSB | A | 83 | 83 | 34 | CN87 | 15 | |
VE7AFZ | 2,200 | BC | SOAB | AB | 69 | 100 | 22 | CN89 | 12 | |
K0JJ | 1,917 | OR | SOAB | AB | 55 | 71 | 27 | CN85 | 10 | |
KX7L | 1,190 | WA | SOAB | AB | 56 | 70 | 17 | CN87 | 9 | |
KE7MSU/R | 1,188 | OR | ROVER | AB | 50 | 65 | 18 | 2 | see notes below | 12 |
KB7ME | 779 | WA | SOAB | AB | 33 | 41 | 19 | CN85 | 8 | |
KG7P | 726 | WA | SOAB | AB | 51 | 66 | 11 | CN87 | 7 | |
N6ZE | 636 | WA | SOAB | AB | 53 | 72 | 12 | CN88 | 8 | |
K7ND | 504 | WA | SOSB | B | 28 | 56 | 9 | CN87 | 9 | |
WA9BTV | 414 | WA | SOAB | AB | 27 | 46 | 9 | CN88 | 6 | |
KB7WSD | 360 | WA | SOSB | A | 36 | 36 | 10 | CN87 | 7 | |
VE7OTC/R | 312 | BC | ROVER | A | 22 | 39 | 9 | 2 | see notes below | 3 |
AF7GL | 250 | WA | SOSB | B | 25 | 50 | 5 | CN96 | 5 | |
K7BWH | 120 | WA | SOSB | A | 20 | 20 | 6 | CN87 | 5 |
* = PNWVHFS Member operating outside the Society
region. Not eligible for PNWVHFS Awards.
** = Log received late, not eligible for PNWVHFS Awards.
Band Codes: A - 50 MHz, B - 144 MHz
PNWVHFS Award Winners
Certificates at the next PNWVHFS Conference TBD
Single-Op All Band: VE7DAY-BC, K7MDL-WA, K0JJ-OR
Single-Op Single Band 50 MHz: AL1VE-OR, N7PHY-WA
Single-Op Single Band 144 MHz: K7ND-WA
Additional Information
K5QE Multi-Op TX:
VE7OTC/r Rover BC:
Activated CN88, CN89
Worked PNW Grids: CN87, CN88, CN89
First time submitting a log for this.
The Sat afternoon/evening was great, the Sunday drive was tiring.
Added a 6m dipole under my 9el 2m Yagi boom. Not bad. Horizontal at least.
KE7MSU/R Rover OR:
Activated: CN84, CN85
Worked PNW Grids: CN74, CN84, CN85, CN86, CN87, CN93, CN94, CN95, CN96, CN98
This was my setup during the contest. I should have carried some bug nets as flying insects were conquering the summit. I did make 26 QSO. Most contacts were done on 5 Watts, but later had to swap radios and was doing 50 W for a bit to reach a rover station in CN85. Thanks all!
Operating portable on Norse Peak in CN96

N7PHY SOSB WA DN08: Amazing late night opening to the east coast. Operated from site of former military radar station, 4600 ft, nice view of the horizon. 73! Ed N7PHY
KX7L SOAB WA CN87: Saturday was pretty much just locals, but pretty good turnout of locals. Sunday started out the same, but we had some nice openings late in the contest to the Northeast, VE6, VE5, and even VE4 were worked or heard. Thanks for all the Q's!
N6ZE SOAB WA: CN87 Fun to operate both bands with QRP power and minimal antennae. Rabbits ears and 144MHz KQ mini loop inside house at 500' above Puget Sound. Best 2m DX (FT-8) W7EME in DN17: 252 miles.
AL1VE SOSB 50 MHz DN02: Operated again from the 9650' high Alvord Desert Overlook parking area on Steen's Mountain. To say it was a bit more smokey this year than last was an understatement!

This was my third year here for the CQ VHF contest. In 2019 I had mostly double hop contacts, for the 2020 contest I had mostly single hop contacts and this year I had an even number of both double and single hop contacts. This was the first time I've ever worked Japan and Puerto Rico on 50 MHz. I was completely stunned when my computer screen displayed 15 Japanese stations calling me at the same time.
Sunday just as New England stations started coming in, I lost my main power battery and had to limp by with 50 watts for the rest of the contest. This was also the fewest SSB contacts I have ever worked during any VHF contest in the last 23 years. How about awarding 2 points 50 MHz and 4 points 144 MHz CW, FM, or SSB contact.