2021 ARRL 222 MHz and Up Distance Contest
August 7-8, 2021
8 Logs Received
Posted 2022-02-22
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Callsign![]() |
Score![]() |
Region![]() |
Category![]() |
Bands![]() |
QSOs![]() |
Rover Grids Activated ![]() |
Grids Activated ![]() |
PNW Grids Worked ![]() |
K7ND | 3,366 | WA | SOF | CD9EFG | 29 | CN87qf | 4 | |
N7MWV | 2,556 | WA | SOF | CDE | 20 | CN86lt | 3 | |
VE7AFZ | 1,279 | BC | SOF | CD | 5 | CN89mg | 4 | |
K7ATN | 1,187 | WWA | SOF | CD9EF | 15 | CN85so | 1 | |
KB7IOG | 789 | WA | SOF | CD9EF | 15 | CN87re | 2 | |
N7DB | 340 | OR | SOF | CD | 6 | CN85uj | 1 | |
VA7OTC | 243 | BC | SOF | CD | 2 | see notes below | 2 | |
N7QOZ | 24 | WA | SOF | C | 1 | CN87sf | 2 |
* = PNWVHFS Member operating outside the Society
region. Not eligible for PNWVHFS Awards.
** = Log received late, not eligible for PNWVHFS Awards.
Band Codes: C - 220 MHz, D - 432 MHz, 9 - 902 MHz, E - 1296 MHz, F - 2304 MHz, G - 3456 MHz, H - 5760 MHz, I - 10 GHz
PNWVHFS Award Winners
Certificates at the next PNWVHFS Conference TBD
Single-Op: N7DB-OR, VA7AFZ-BC, K7ND-WA
Additional Information
Heard several other stations on 222 and 432. Used the LPDA from my balcony for the entire contest.
It worked a bit better on 222 than I expected. I wasn't surprised about not making any Q's on
1296 with that antenna. I did manage to detect what I believe are a few more signals from
the primary users of the 23 cm band (most likely due to the larger frequency range and
broader beam width of the LPDA vs the loop yagis I usually use on that band.)
Tried out some new gear and became re acquainted with some other gear I haven't used in
a while. Thanks to the contest organizers and all who participated especially Chuck VA7UL.
All in all a good contest for me despite the low QSO count.
Will hopefully make a better effort next year.
(Hopefully will Rove to a decent location or will at least be able to setup multiple
yagis on the balcony at home vs having to use the LPDA for multi band coverage for 222 and up.)
Pretty wretched contest. I had concerns (when don't I?), some that panned out,
i.e. all my potential operating area this time would be inside the ARRL Club
Territory. Nice, once I looked ;)
Saturday I drove up Skirt Mtn.
(aka Bear Mtn. above Langford, "Western Communities" west of Victoria) to about 250m AMSL
CN88fl, portable. At least I confirmed the site didn't have really any noise, had a great
view, and gave me space to rig my drive-on/swing up mast. Did some ham PR.
Having recently discovered Rick, KK7B's 2016 Conference presentation on
antenna design I'd shelved the Cheap Yagi plans, and a 222 antenna is
still not built so used a whip for my FM rig. I had a 19-el 432 MHz one
up on the FT-857 and . . . crickets.
Managed two FM contacts as I called out one last time on 222. Then we
hit up 446. Both across the Strait of Juan de Fuca near and west of PA.
Sunday I put on the coffee and put out a 7-el Arrow for 432 on the
balcony, CN88hk. Eventually (and gratefully) Paul, WA9BTV worked me to
confirm my rig functioned and there was someone on! We managed to
complete as well on 222 FM which must've all been due his set up, not my
unity gain discone.
So, done. Looking forward to the Sept. contest. Hoping to get some of
the 6m ops I'm working on growing on the air for that.
Just on 223.5 & 432/446.0. Quiet for the first 1/2 hour then
life appeared. Activity til abt 12:15, then quiet again. Shut down, had
work to do on farm.