2022 ARRL 222 MHz and Up Distance Contest
August 6-7, 2022
1 Log Received
Posted 2022-10-03
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Callsign | Score | Region | Category | Bands | QSOs | Rover Grids Activated |
Grids Activated |
PNW Grids Worked |
AF7GL | 5,696 | WA | SO | CDF | 29 | CN97lb | 7 |
Band Codes: C - 220 MHz, D - 432 MHz, 9 - 902 MHz, E - 1296 MHz, F - 2304 MHz, G - 3456 MHz, H - 5760 MHz, I - 10 GHz
Additional Information
I used Quartz Mountain for my drive-up portable operation.
Overall I have positive memories even though this was a very slow contest
with not a lot of stations.
Achieved a new personal distance record on 1296. Made 23 contacts on
3 bands (222,432,1296) with 11 stations. Was active for 6+ hours.
Thanks everyone! Peter AF7GL