2023 ARRL June VHF Contest
44 Logs Received
Updated 2023-10-01
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Callsign![]() |
Score![]() |
Region![]() |
Category![]() |
Bands![]() |
QSOs![]() |
Points![]() |
Grids![]() |
Rover Grids ![]() Activated |
Grids![]() Activated |
PNW Grids ![]() Worked |
K5QE * | 364,854 | STX | LM | ABDE | 984 | 1024 | 356 | 0 | EM31 | 16 |
W7MEM | 129,704 | ID | SOHP | AB | 523 | 523 | 240 | 0 | DN17 | 13 |
AL1VE/R * | 103,592 | KS | RL | A | 563 | 563 | 184 | 6 | See notes below | 11 |
W7FI | 86,714 | WWA | SOHP | ABD | 263 | 452 | 454 | 0 | CN87 | 17 |
N0LL * | 84,480 | KS | SOLP | ABCD | 414 | 420 | 202 | 0 | EM09 | 18 |
N7PHY * | 63,336 | UT | SOHP | A | 365 | 365 | 173 | 0 | DN47 | 7 |
KI0E | 50,240 | ID | SOLP | ABCD9EFH | 276 | 314 | 159 | 0 | DN13 | 9 |
AB9BH | 38,304 | WWA | SOLP | ABD | 281 | 288 | 133 | 0 | CN87 | 10 |
NR7Y | 35,990 | OR | SOLP | ABCDE | 276 | 295 | 122 | 0 | CN85 | 7 |
VE7DAY | 34,968 | BC | SOLP | ABCDE | 245 | 249 | 144 | 0 | CO70 | 10 |
KB7ME | 26,015 | WWA | SOHP | AB | 215 | 215 | 120 | 0 | CN85 | 9 |
K7MDL | 25,300 | WWA | SOHP | ABCD9E | 216 | 253 | 100 | 0 | CN88 | 15 |
W7TZ | 22,172 | OR | SOHP | AB | 194 | 194 | 117 | 0 | CN83 | 10 |
KX7L | 22,113 | WWA | SOLP | AB | 243 | 243 | 91 | 0 | CN87 | 9 |
N7NW | 21,115 | WWA | SOHP | AB | 205 | 205 | 103 | 0 | CN87 | 13 |
N7DB | 17,340 | OR | SOLP | ABCD | 192 | 198 | 87 | 0 | CN85 | 9 |
AD7MC | 14,620 | WWA | SO3B | ABD | 167 | 170 | 86 | 0 | CN85 | 11 |
N6ZE | 14,036 | WWA | SO-ALG-LP | ACD9E | 227 | 242 | 58 | 0 | CN88 | 5 |
K7SYS | 13,363 | ID | SOLP | AB | 161 | 161 | 83 | 0 | DN18 | 3 |
K7YDL | 13,188 | OR | SOHP | AB | 155 | 155 | 84 | 0 | CN85 | 14 |
KG7P | 12,358 | WWA | SOHP | ABCDE | 138 | 167 | 74 | 0 | CN87 | 14 |
WA7BRL | 11,972 | WWA | SOLP | A | 164 | 164 | 73 | 0 | CN87 | 6 |
WA9BTV | 9,324 | WWA | SOHP | ABCD9E | 162 | 216 | 42 | 0 | CN88 | 8 |
K7YO | 8,586 | OR | SOLP | ABCDE | 70 | 131 | 158 | 53 | CN85 | 8 |
N7QOZ | 6,920 | WWA | SO3B | ABD | 136 | 173 | 40 | 0 | CN87 | 8 |
N7KSI | 6,273 | WWA | SOHP | ABCDE | 91 | 124 | 51 | 0 | CN86 | 10 |
K7BWH | 4,420 | WWA | SOLP | A | 85 | 85 | 52 | 0 | CN87 | 5 |
KG7PD | 4,368 | WWA | SO3B | ABD | 102 | 112 | 39 | 0 | CN87 | 11 |
W7GLF/R | 4,238 | WWA | R | ABCDEIX | 99 | 153 | 28 | 3 | See notes below | 6 |
VE7HR | 3,232 | BC | SOLP | ABCD9E | 76 | 101 | 32 | 0 | CN89 | 5 |
KA7RAA/R | 1,560 | WWA | RL | ABCD | 56 | 65 | 24 | 4 | See notes below | 5 |
VE7AFZ/R | 1,472 | BC | RU | ABDI | 53 | 64 | 23 | 3 | See notes below | 7 |
AG6QV | 1,392 | WWA | SOLP | ABDEIX | 53 | 87 | 16 | 0 | CN87 | 7 |
KE7MSU/R | 1,357 | OR | R | ABCD | 54 | 59 | 23 | 3 | See notes below | 7 |
KB7IOG | 742 | WWA | SOHP | ABCDE | 32 | 53 | 14 | 0 | CN87 | 3 |
VA7RKM | 627 | BC | SOLP | ABDE | 28 | 33 | 19 | 0 | CN88 | 3 |
WE7X | 325 | WWA | SOP-ALG | A | 25 | 26 | 13 | 0 | CN97 | 2 |
AG7QH | 299 | OR | SOLP | AB | 23 | 23 | 13 | 0 | CN84 | 2 |
W7WKR | 210 | WWA | SOLP | A | 15 | 15 | 14 | 0 | CN98 | 2 |
K7UN | 200 | WWA | SOP | ABE | 23 | 25 | 8 | 0 | CN85 | 3 |
K7ATN | 80 | OR | SOP-ALG | BD | 16 | 20 | 4 | 0 | CN85 | 2 |
VE7VIE | 64 | BC | SOP | AB | 8 | 8 | 1 | 0 | CN89 | 1 |
N0CYT | 12 | WWA | SOP-ALG | X | 35 | 12 | 1 | 0 | CN87 | 1 |
N7FW | 3 | WWA | SOP-ALG | 9 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 0 | CN87 | 1 |
* = PNWVHFS Member operating outside the Society
region. Not eligible for PNWVHFS Awards.
Category Codes:
SOLP - Single Operator Low Power,
SOHP - Single Operator High Power,
SO3B - Single Operator 3 Band
SO-ALG-LP - Single Operator Low Power Analog,
SOP-ALG - Single Operator Portable Analog
SOP - Single Operator Portable
R - Rover Classic,
RL - Rover Limited,
RU - Rover Unlimited
Band Codes:
A - 50 MHz,
B - 144 MHz,
C - 220 MHz,
D - 432 MHz,
9 - 902 MHz,
E - 1.2 GHz,
F - 2.3 GHz,
G - 3.4 GHz,
H - 5.7 GHz
I - 10 GHz,
X - 17 GHz and Above
PNWVHFS Award Winners
Certificates presented at the PNWVHFS Conference, TBD 2024
Category | Washington | Oregon | BC | Idaho |
Classic Rover: | W7GLF /R | KE7MSU /R | ||
Limited Rover: | KA7RRA /R | |||
Unlimited Rover: | VE7AFZ /R | |||
Single-Op High Power: | W7FI | W7TZ | W7MEM | |
Single-Op Low Power: | AB9BH | NR7Y | VE7DAY | KI0E |
Single-Op Low Power Analog: | N6ZE | |||
Single-Op 3-Band: | AD7MC | |||
Portable: | K7UN | VE7VIE | ||
Portable Analog: | WE7X | K7ATN |
Additional Information
Activated 3 Rover grids: CN87 CN88 CN98
Worked 6 PNW grids: CN84 CN87 CN88 CN89 CN97 CN98
Activated 3 Rover grids: CN84 CN85 CN86
Worked PNW 7 grids: CN84 CN85 CN86 CN87 CN89 CN94 CN98
Activated 3 Rover grids: CO80 CN89 CN99
Worked PNW 7 grids: CN73 CN79 CN86 CN87 CN88 CN89 CO70
Activated 4 Rover grids: CN87 CN88 CN96 CN98
Worked 5 PNW grids: CN87 CN88 CN89 CN96 CN97
Thanks to Barry, K7BWH for letting me know about the contest.
I had fun during the contest except for when I was going west on I-90 and my antenna mast went east on me.
I started the contest in Dryden and headed south on 97 to Ellensberg. When I got to Ellensberg I had to pull over and take the antenna down, because the mast was bending on me and that happened during a 6 meter opening! I wasn't real happy about that.
Then I went to Green Mountain and found out I was getting RF feedback into the radio on 6 meters. I went and saw Eric, KB7DQH and we got everything fixed and he told me that there might have been a busted ground on the mike itself, but I got it working again. So much fun.
AL1VE/R - OK & KS:
Activated 8 Rover grids: EM06 EM08 EM09 DM88 DM89 DM96 DM97 DM99
Worked 11 PNW grids: CN84 CN85 CN87 CN88 CN94 CN95 DN13 DN17 DN18 DN26 CO70
My original plan for the contest was to rove only in Kansas, I saw on Slack that Hal, N7NW was hoping someone would activate EM06 in north-central Oklahoma, for one of his last needed FFMA grids. I was only 200 miles away and I thought why not! Six meter conditions weren't the best Saturday morning, but we were able to connect.
With this last minute change in plans I decided to start my contest rove from there. The day was sunny, hot, and with poor six meter conditions and I managed to eke out about 70 contacts. I also talked to one rancher who wanted to know why I wasn't on a nearby "hill" (literally only 20' higher), talked to a game warden who wanted to know what animals I was tracking, and became the item of interest for a herd of Black Angus.
Saturday night I drove into a area of severe thunderstorms (most of Kansas!). Some of the lightning from these storms I could see from over 80 miles away. Using the App Windy I was able use the radar graphics to thread my way around the really violent areas. It was still a rough ride, which included a lightning ground strike, just fifty feet from the vehicle. For the past 14 years I've roved through the Midwest during the June VHF contest and these were the biggest and most concentrated storms I had encountered.

Sunday morning in central Kansas started with light rain, poor band conditions and an afternoon forecast of more T-storms. Looking for an area with the least chance of storms I decided to drive two hours west to a grid corner a few miles east of the CO/KS border. It was a location I've visited several times before. Once there, after reconnecting all the gear and getting an antenna up (during electrical storms I disconnect everything and don't travel with any antennas up) I found six meters wide open and full stations on SSB! Over the next 7 hours I worked nearly 500 stations from every corner of the country. It had been over 11 years since I had experienced Six meters with that good band conditions.
Can it get better even next year during the sunspot peak?
Any takers for a pack rove in Kansas next June?
Operators: K5QE, K5SAB, KF5LKG, KV5W, N5YA, N5KDA, W5KDA
Contest was pretty tough on us this time. Again, hundreds of guys banging away on FT8 when 6M was wide open on SSB.
We don’t think we had a very good contest, propagation was poor, but we did a lot of good work on moonbounce. That’s where a lot of our multipliers and score comes from: working in Europe on Moon Bounce.
73’s to everyone in the Pacific Northwest. Marshall.
Busiest contest in many years,hectic at times and I really
enjoyed it.
KX7L - OR:
Six meters was open at the starting bell, and as far as I
could tell stayed open until the contest ended. I was up
until 11 pm on Saturday night and the E-skip was still coming in.
Got up Sunday and went into the shack and they were still coming in.
An especially nice end to the contest with multi-hop to the East Coast.
Wow. As Wally Shawn would say: "Inconceivable!"
Surpassed my previous best score from 2012 (11 years ago, imagine that!) by quite a margin.
All the propagation led to more mode diversity: although most of my QSOs were on FT8, I also made quite a few on CW, SSB and even FT4. Unfortunately activity on 2m suffered...
Thanks for all the Q's and new grids!
Thanks for all the contacts and effort by all.
The 2m opening from CN87 to DM24 and DM43, was especially rare fun. 73's
Portable near Davis Peak, SW Wash.
In the clouds most of the time. Cold and windy.
3 hrs of operation.
Just sporadic participation this year from me.
N6ZE/7 - WWA:
I operated outdoors for the entire contest in the great PNW from my deck
overlooking the Puget Sound and the Cascade Mountains. There were no rain showers
until the last hour of the contest. Getting to operate from the home
PNWVHFS territory was great.
There was a good bit of VE7 activity from CN88 and CN89, but did not even hear Portland, OR (CN85) until the last 15 minutes of the contest.
It was nice to work W7MEM (DN17) located on the East side of the Cascades. I elected to be a Low Power Analog Entry, which turned out to be quite favorable. There was an extremely high noise level part of the time, but I managed a double-hop E-skip QSO with N4SVC (EM80) in Florida.
My portable station included a FT-991, 3-element 6-meter "Hilltopper Yagi", 7-element Cushcraft 2 meter yagi, and an 11-element M2 70-cm yagi.
W7TZ - OR:
Unbelievable weekend! Often, more decodes per cycle of FT8 than total
contacts per contest in the last ten years.