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2023 ARRL September VHF Contest

34 Logs Received

Posted 2023-10-01
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K5QE * 111,360 STX LM ABDE 373 464 240 EM31 4
N0LL * 7,416 KS SOLP ABCD 97 103 72 EM09 2
AL1VE 6,327 WWA SOLP ABCDE 126 171 37 CN87 15
W7MEM 4,800 ID SOHP ABD 78 79 48 DN17 21
VA7SC 4,680 BC SOLP ABCD9EI 100 156 30 CN89 8
W7IMC 4,185 ID SOP-ALG ABCD9E 177 279 15 DN14 5
N7KSI 4,182 WWA SOHP ABCDE 88 123 34 CN86 13
N7QOZ 3,749 WWA SO-ALG-3B ABD 121 161 23 CN87 7
KA7RRA/R 2,888 WWA RL ABCD 117 152 19 5 see notes below 5
K7ND 2,632 WWA SOHP ABCD9EF 63 94 28 CN87 10
N6ZE 2,580 WWA SOLP ABD 91 137 19 CN87 6
N7DB 2,112 OR SOLP ABC 83 88 24 CN85 14
WE7X/R 1,921 WWA RL ABD 88 113 17 4 see notes below 5
K7MDL 1,805 WWA SOHP ABCD9E 69 92 19 CN87 6
KG7P 1,700 WWA SOHP ABCDE 68 85 20 CN87 7
KG7PD 1,476 WWA SOLP ABCD 66 82 18 CN87 10
W7GLF 1,460 WWA SOHP ABCD9E 52 73 20 CN87 8
VE7HR 1,037 BC SO-ALG-LP ABCD9EI 36 61 17 CN89 4
AG6QV 1,020 WWA SOLP ABDE 49 68 15 CN87 7
KB7IOG 952 WWA SO-ALG-HP ABCD9EF 42 68 14 CN87 4
VE7AFZ 810 BC SOHP ABCD9EI 51 54 15 CN89 7
VA7RKM 600 BC SOHP ABDE 39 50 12 CN88 4
K7CW 559 WWA SOHP A 43 43 13 CN87 12
VE7DAY 544 BC SOLP ABCDE 30 34 16 CO70 8
KX7L 539 WWA SOLP AB 49 49 11 CN87 9
W7RDW 304 WWA SO-ALG-LP ABD 30 38 4 CN87 4
AD7MC 252 WWA SOLP AB 28 28 9 CN85 6
W7TZ 176 OR SOHP ABD 12 16 11 CN83 7
KE7MSU 161 OR SO3B AB 23 23 7 CN85 5
KB7ME 100 OR SOHP AB 10 10 10 CN92 1
N7JA 68 EWA SOP-AN BCDE 10 17 4 CN97 1
WA7BRL 46 WWA SOLP AB 23 23 2 CN87 2
K7SYS 24 ID SOLP AB 6 6 4 DN18 2

*  =  PNWVHFS Member operating outside the Society region. Not eligible for PNWVHFS Awards.

** = Log received late, not eligible for PNWVHFS Awards.

Band Codes:
A - 50 MHz,  B - 144 MHz,  C - 220 MHz,  D - 432 MHz,  9 - 902 MHz,  E - 1.2 GHz,  F - 2.3 GHz,  G - 3.4 GHz,  H - 5.7 GHz  I - 10 GHz,  X - 17 GHz and Above

Operator Codes:
SO-ALG-3B = Single Operator, Analog Only, Three-Band     SO-ALG-LP = Single Operator, Analog Only, Power     SOP = Single Operator, Portable     SO-ALG-HP = Single Operator, Analog Only, Power     SOP-ALG = Single Operator, Portable, Analog Only     SO3B = Single Operator, Three-Band     SOHP = Single Operator, High Power     SOLP = Single Operator, Low Power     LM = Limited Multioperator     RL = Limited Rover

PNWVHFS Award Winners

Certificates presented at the PNWVHFS Conference, TBD 2024

Category Washington Oregon BC Idaho
Limited Rover: KA7RRA /R
Single-Op High Power: N7KSI W7TZ VE7AFZ W7MEM
Single-Op Low Power: AL1VE N7DB VA7SC W7IMC
Single-Op 3-Band: KE7MSU
Single-Op High Power Analog: KB7IOG
Single-Op Low Power Analog: W7RDW VE7HR
Single-Op 3-Band Analog: N7QOZ
Single-Op Portable Analog: N7JA - EWA W7IMC

Additional Rover Information

Activated 4 PNW grids: CN86, CN87, CN96, CN97
Worked 5 PNW grids: CN85, CN86, CN87, CN88, CN97

Activated 5 PNW grids: CN86, CN87, CN88, CN96, CN97
Worked 5 PNW grids: CN86, CN87, CN88, CN89, CN97

Soapbox Comments

Nice temperatures and clear skies, but no band openings. Saw a great Mukilteo fireworks show Saturday night, which is just across Puget Sound from me. Completed 9 QSOs with BC stations.

- 6m: FT991 & 1/4 wave mag mount whip: 9 Q on FT-8 and 15 on SSB; 4 grids
- 2m: FT991 & 5/8 wave mag mount whip: 7 Q on FT-8 and 26 on SSB; 5 grids
- 1.25m: FT817 & Ukranian Xvtr with 6 el "WA5VJB Cheap Yagi": 12 on SSB; 4 grids
- 70cm: FT991 & 12 el M-2 yagi: 30 QSO; 6 grids
- 33cm: only copied WA9BTV

A Saturday-only effort for me. The blue skies and pleasant temperatures were just too compelling. Nice to work all the locals!

Thanks for all the contacts.

Operators: K5QE,  K5SAB,  N5YA,  KA5D,  K5ATX,  N5KDA,  KJ5BLU

Since I had fun on Mt Crag last year, I decided to return there again this year, but this time as a SOLP instead of a LM operation.

Although there were a couple of active forest fires nearby in the Cascades and Olympics this year it was way less smokey than last year. I could actually make out details on nearby Buck Mountain.

As noted by others, propagation conditions weren't the greatest, but that didn't suppress the number of local stations on the air. In my opinion, the lack of E-propagation on 50 MHz stimulated a number of contacts on the higher bands. Never one to miss an opportunity to experiment, I replaced all my antennas from last year's operation with homebrew antennas built from my aluminum parts stash. This included replacing last year's large 6M7 with a much shorter and lightweight five element 50 MHz LFA made from old TV antennas.

It's hard to say if this enhanced or negatively affected contact opportunities. I certainly did better with this year's Sunday morning MS operation. My best completed contact was 1800 kms, although a couple AZ and TX stations were copied.

It appears Forest Service is no longer maintaining any of the roads in the Buck Mountain or Mount Crag area. Although the upper gate leading to the Mt Crag site had been repaired since last year, again I found it unlocked. Since last year, the access roads are more potholed, have a couple of active rockfall areas and narrowed by grown-in vegetation. I used four-wheel-drive for the last 150', but vehicles with Positraction could probably make it up the last steep incline.

Single Operator operation September 2023 VHF contest on Mt Crag
AL1VE used the large landing site about 50' below the Mt. Crag summit. It has a wide open horizon from N to SSW and room for several vehicles. Downtown Seattle is visible, through the smoke, just to the left of the Buck repeater site. I don't have any info on the commercial repeater on Mt Crag, but never copied any interference from it.

AL1VE rover vehicle with antenna farm on Mt Crag
My rover vehicle mast provided my operating position, lodging and a mast for the upper bands. Stand-alone masts were used for a 5 el LFA and a small 3el yagi on 50 MHz

Driving Directions to Mt Crag, by AL1VE:

  1. Get to Brinnon on Hwy 101, south of Quilcene.
  2. At the north end of town, at the Brinnon Community Center, is Dosewallips Road which starts west between a gravel pit and a motel.
  3. Set or check your odometer, as all distances will be referenced starting from Highway 101.
  4. Drive 1.1 miles and watch for the 2620/Rocky Brook Rd on the North side of the road at 47.70442, -122.91274.
  5. There is a "farm" with old equipment on the south side of the road.
  6. The road starts out rather steep and looks like a residential access road at first, but suddenly becomes a narrow one lane forest road.
  7. Go 2.9 more miles to the intersection of 2620 and 2630. 2620 is the road we stay on and it goes to the right. (4 miles showing from 101).
  8. Go another 1.1 miles on 2620 to the intersection of 2620 and 030. 2620 is the road on the left and we are now 5.1 miles from highway 101.
  9. Continue on 2620 another 3.2 miles, (8.3 from 101) to the top of the pass between Buck Mtn and Mt Crag.
  10. As you reach the summit of the pass there is a storage area for road-building materials on the west side of the road. The road we want is numbered 050.
  11. Turn west (left) on 050, travel .8 (8 tenths) miles to the intersection of 050 and 053.
  12. Stay to right (uphill) and go another 1.25 miles to the intersection of 050 and 056. 056 starts as a sharp hairpin turn to the right through a gate and runs .75 miles to the end of the road.
  13. Just before the end of the ridge, the road climb a very steep hill rising on your left. This goes up to a large landing here with a fairly open horizon from North to Southwest. There is a commercial(?) repeater located here.
  14. It is possible, with 4wdr, to drive another 400 feet further uphill to a smaller old repeater site about 50' higher in elevation.
  15. Headings can be confusing, so if you get a chance to see Mt Rainier or Mt Baker, make a note of where they are.
  16. Destination is CN87mq45 at 47.76024, -122.96493.

** (During the last two years up there I have found the 056 gate unlocked and have never detected any intermod interference on 50 - 1296 MHz from the commercial repeater. Also most Forest Service signage is now missing or grown over. - AL1VE Sept 2023) **